Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday? Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15 PM?

I was on the living room couch copying my diary because all the pages have been falling out, it has been very typical to work on copying it every afternoon since there are so many entries. Copying my diary normally wears me out so I don't have much energy to spare to do anything else.

2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.

A towel, Piper had thrown a towel at me yesterday to put away after we folded a batch of laundry.

3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.

Socks, chocolate, and music, socks because it is very cold right now, chocolate, because I'm really hungry and it sounds good, and music to cheer me up on this drab cold day.

4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes you strong?

I can be strong in a few different ways, like willpower (keeping myself from eating Piper's cookie)

I've been told I'm freakishly strong physically, but there are still things I can't lift, so until then I won't call myself that.

5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?

Yes, I love reading historical fiction books. What used to be my favorite books set in the past were Little House on the Prairie series and Life with Lily series, I still enjoy reading them.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

School is starting really soon for us, and I am hoping the weather will warm up some more so I can live up the last few days of summer break while I still have the chance.