Monday, May 1, 2017


  Hello and welcome to my little blog, Chickadee's Chirpings. Today I will be doing an introduction of my wonderful family and myself. I like birds, so I decided to pick a bird name for each of us that we will be known by on this blog.
  My father will be known as Owl because he's so wise and calm and awesome. He is a mechanic, has his own business of fixing up semi trucks. He is a great father, he can always make me laugh, and he is such a wonderful friend to everyone. It's impossible to scare him and I've kind of made it one of my missions in life to be the one to scare him. I've failed dismally so far.

  My mum will be Wren, she is the amazing author of my all time favorite series of books The Adventures of Lily Lapp, (I've read them eight times already) She is a wonderful teacher who keeps learning fun, and is one of my very best friends I could ever dream of having. She is supportive of my dreams, schemes, and crazy plans. She is a great listener and advice giver.

  My sister is Sand-piper but I think I will be calling her Piper for short, she is a wonderful baker, wishes to someday own her own bakery, she can make almost anything sound fun and because of that we have had many harebrained adventures together. She is very smart, and she is the best sister that I could ever wish for.

  My older brother will be known as Robin I may or may not decide to shorten it to Rob later on. He is a strong loving brother that helps with my father's business, he is a wonderful helping hand, and he always finds time to hang out with his younger brother, and will clear the table after meals for Piper and I quite often. He's also the co-host with yours truly on a fun little "radio program" we do during the winter months, and chief journalist and editor of the Pocahontas Gazette.

  And my younger brother I just mentioned will be known as Blue Jay, very likely to be shortened to simply Jay in the future. He loves helping everyone, he loves making people laugh with his beyond corny jokes, baseball is his favorite game and he's pretty good at it. He loves thinking he's a chef and always wants to help baking and cooking.

  And then myself Chickadee, because they're such cheerful little birds. I have always had a liking for dance and gymnastics. I have always loved piano especially since I am learning how to play it, I like crafting and learning new things, I have a fascination with Marine Biology, I'm not too fond of uneven numbers, and spiders are the absolute worst. I love to write stories and keep journals. I'm looking forward to chirping about my life and everything it is here on my blog.



  1. What a clever chickadee you are, to center your blog on birds and tell about your family! They all sound wonderful!
    BTW, chickadees are my favorite birds. They have the sweetest little chirp, and I love their coloring. We feed birds in two feeders outside our dining room windows, so we can watch them while we eat. I asked for a bird bath for Mother's Day, so they can graduate from bathing in the puddles and bathe in style!
    Welcome to blogging. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. What a wonderful beginning to your blog!

  3. I loved your little introduction of all of us! I wish you many days of blogging inspiration and can't wait to read your posts to come!

  4. Such a lovely description of your family! I look forward to reading more of your entries!

  5. Welcome to blogging and I am so excited to journey along with you through your beautiful words. I, too, love your description of your family using the bird family.

  6. Welcome to bloggers from all over the world. You will have fun reading other blogs and getting to know people who read yours.
    There are so many birds in USA that we don't have here in UK, especially the chickadees and Blue wrens.

  7. Very cute. I am a blogger myself, though of a more serious nature. Keep up the good work.

  8. I have followed your Mother's blog for many years and your older sisters also. I see the talent for writing has definitely been inherited. Such a sweet well written blog. :) Looking forward to many more. Have fun and God bless. :)

  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
